Emergency Dentist Port Moody, BC

Dental Services

Emergency Dental Services in Port Moody, BC

Whether you have been in an accident that damaged your teeth or you are experiencing unexplained pain in your teeth or mouth, your emergency dentist Port Moody, BC can help. At Rocky Point Dental our dentists are here for you when you need urgent dental care. We reserve emergency appointments throughout the day to ensure we can help you when you need it most.

man in dental emergency

Your Emergency Dentist Port Moody, BC Explains: What Qualifies As An Emergency

Any serious dental injury or illness that needs immediate attention is considered an emergency. There are three typical scenarios that make a dental issue a dental emergency: Any serious dental injury or illness that needs immediate attention is considered an emergency. There are three typical scenarios that make a dental issue a dental emergency:

• Severe tooth or gum pain (which can indicate infections or abscesses)
• Dental injuries or impacts to the mouth, jaw, and head (including knocked-out teeth)
• Soft tissue injuries such as lacerations, especially resulting in profuse bleeding

If you experience any of the above, reach out to your emergency dentist Port Moody, BC here at Rocky Point Dental, to book a last-minute appointment and receive guidance. You can also look at our information for various types of emergency situations below.

Your Emergency Dentist Port Moody, BC Explains: How to Handle Dental Emergencies

Tooth That’s Been Knocked Out

If your tooth has been knocked out, call us immediately for an appointment. If you’re able to find your tooth, handle it carefully by the top (not the roots or it could cause more damage) and gently rinse it off to remove contaminants. If possible, carefully place the tooth back in the socket to keep it moist, but if you can’t or it hurts too badly, wrap it in gauze and place it in a glass of milk or immerse it in saliva. If the tooth dries out, it cannot be replaced in the mouth. Carefully rinse your mouth out with warm water. If you need something for the pain, take ibuprofen, as other medications can function as anticoagulants and make you bleed more. Bring the tooth to the appointment with your emergency dentist Port Moody, BC, and we will attempt to re-insert it for it to heal.

Chipped, Misaligned, Or Fractured Tooth

If your tooth has been minorly chipped and isn’t causing you pain, this is likely not an emergency. However, you should schedule a regular appointment with us as soon as possible and be careful not to chip it further.

However, if the chip is causing you pain or if the tooth is fractured, then an internal structure has likely been damaged and needs to be treated right away. Schedule an emergency appointment, and then rinse your mouth with warm water, using an ice pack to minimize swelling. If you need to take something for pain, take ibuprofen, as aspirin will make your bleeding more profuse.

When you arrive, your emergency dentist Port Moody, BC will examine the tooth to determine how badly it’s injured and what the proper course of treatment is. If your tooth has been pushed out of position, then try to gently press it back into place with your fingertip—don’t force it! You can also bite down to help hold it in place.

Tissue Injury

If you have suffered a serious injury to the soft tissues of your mouth, such as the cheeks, gums, tongue, palate, or lips, then rinse the injury with warm water and call your emergency dentist Port Moody, BC or go to the hospital right away.

Conveniently located emergency dentistry services are a key part of our practice. Let us be there for you in times of crisis to help save your smile.

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